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LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. (The Military Lunatics Act, 1877) An Act to facilitate the admission of Military Lunatics into Asylums. ACT NO. XI. OF 1877. RANGOON, SATURDAY, JULY 7TH, 1877.
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See the document LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. (The Military Lunatics Act, 1877) An Act to facilitate the admission of Military Lunatics into Asylums. ACT NO. XI. OF 1877. RANGOON, SATURDAY, JULY 7TH, 1877. on full screen
See the document LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. (The Military Lunatics Act, 1877) An Act to facilitate the admission of Military Lunatics into Asylums. ACT NO. XI. OF 1877. RANGOON, SATURDAY, JULY 7TH, 1877. on full screen